Provastian_Jackson [he/him]

  • 44 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • that is a factor. Donations are polls you do yourself.

    I think a Bernie win would play out a lot like a Biden win except swap GA (because Biden just pulls black votes better) for OH where bernie beats trump. Plus Bernie would have done better in TX because of his odd appeal there. Rust belt which Bernie wins harder than Biden, at least pre sup tues. Bernie leads democrats in polls prior to sup tues in IL, WI, and PA.

    I'm not going to check every state but like, are the libs gonna pretend it was anything but an accident they flipped GA and it wouldn't be SAFER to shoot for one point in IN? No doubt he would have bombed FL but are libs gonna pretend like Biden didn't?

    Yeah it's gonna be hard to listen to the "thank god we didn't pick Bernie"

    Godspeed op

  • As far as I've seen the argument Bernie would have lost is basically like look how bad Biden did with FL cubans and texans scared of socialism, now imagine Bernie. Dipshit, that argument doesn't work because BIDEN DIDN'T WIN THEM EITHER.

    It all comes down to how well Biden vs Bernie did the rust belt, deindustrialized NE, and the SW. In every case Bernie beats Biden. In polling and also in actual damn primaries.

  • nope this sucks the shit. The same thing that makes it hard/impossible to bring voting into the 21st century makes a conspiracy of widescale voter fraud impossible. We have a shit system designed to hinder coordination. Without the conspiracy of widescale voter fraud, we're back where we've always been. Voter fraud is a scattered phenomenon.

    The true explanation is too subversive for conspiracists: the moderate American is actually extraordinarily right wing and these are the EXACT two people they would vote for. They are both popular candidates and you don't need to look for exotic explanations for how they'd both do well in elections.

    The other true explanation is that voter fraud isn't an unseen act. It's invalidating votes if the signature doesn't match the one from four years ago.

    I hate conspiracists in ALL CASES because I have yet to find a case where there isn't more obvious fraud on the surface.