Well, I have to say that Harmonoid is the best one I've found, it has a ton of cool features, it works and it allows you to be able to see your collection by album and it doesn't use Electron. Right now its development has stalled a bit but it's still pretty much in good shape, though.
I want to like Strawberry as a way to connect to Subsonic server on Linux, but it's just so clunky. I hate list view, as well as the theme..
Have you tried Sublime Music (GTK)? I used other (Electron) alternatives but Electron sucks, Sublime Music feels pretty fast.
Which theme? If you configure it right it should match the system theme. Here's what mine looks like on Plasma 5, Breeze Dark.
Thanks OP, this type of posts is honestly the only thing I can say that I miss from Reddit, I hope people keep making posts like this here.
I always defaulted to VLC, though I've recently gone and looked at Audacious.
I haven't heard of harmonoid but will for sure be trying this out! It looks great
Looks nice, a little bit basic though. I'm still using Foobar2000 for my local files, haven't found anything better even though I've looked.
Sadly still no alternative that comes even close to MusicBee.
I need one that does it all. Extremely large library, complete and complex searching, filtering, changing which columns are displayed/how, complete tags editing and display including less common ones, and the ability to add custom library tags (such as tags for grouping purposes, which I use extensively on top of Genre and Comment). Also need gapless play, ability to add fade in/out and control the length of that fade either when skipping or between all tracks, ability to edit the start/end of some tracks, etc. And good tools for auto-tagging, automatically fetching album art, easy re-organizing like MusicBee which allows you to auto-rename and move selected files along customizable rules, etc etc etc. MusicBee has tons of really good tools and 90% of them are basically required for how I organize and add to my library. And a clean and configurable UI where I can decide what I want to see and where it is, wavebar, visualizers, good controls and a nice auto-DJ, etc etc.
Works really well with Wine now, but still there's some annoying things like it not being detected as a media source, and not being recognized by the normal media buttons/widgets. Also recurring audio problems (need to refresh Pipewire or switch the sink) which have gotten better but still not quite there.
God audio stuff on linux still has a long way to go.
I thought I was the only person who used MusicBee. Crazy to hear it not only brought up, but recommended here. I started using it years ago on a whim after a really basic "try these windows music players!" listicle
I've been using PlexAmp for a long time, but I've had a lifetime subscription to Plex for several years now. They have versions for Linux and a headless version you can run on a Raspberry Pi (this one still requires PlexPass).
I have been using g4 music and it works amazing and looks really nice on gnome https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.neithern.g4music
Looks gorgeous. Unfortunate that Subsonic is under "likely impossible" features, but I will try this on my home PC at least.
What do to you use right now to connect to a Subsonic server? I've used Strawberry and Sublime. Is there something else?
Oh, wait, there's also this mopidy backend that works fine but can't remember if it's Mopidy-Subsonic or Mopidy-Subidy.
Good for my PC but not for my crappy (but loved) netbook. Too CPU demanding.
I find it interesting how large the difference between tastes regarding music players is. After the development of Cantata ceased, I was unable to find any mpd client that I liked and decided to write my own instead (if anyone is interested, the code is available at https://github.com/dokutan/cmpdc)