Serious brainstorming post. How do we bring people here.

  • cro [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Instead of waiting for Dems to blame the left, we should blame the democratic party for considering black and Latinx voters a monolithic bloc, and not offering anything to us.

    Trump won FL because he targeted the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan votes with anti-communist rethoric, and it worked because democrats only said "you need to vote blue because the other guy is bad" while not offering anything

    • joshuaism [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This is it. Blame the Democratic party at every chance you get. Their talking point is to blame the American voter for failing Biden, but you've got to flip this on its head. Biden and the Democratic leadership failed the American people and that is why people didn't overwhelmingly vote for them.

      If they are neoliberal technocrats then lean into their fears of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Remind them that they've only got two choices: socialism or barbarism, and barbarism has no need for needle-dicked pencil pushers.