Serious brainstorming post. How do we bring people here.

  • zangorn [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Great question, and exactly what I want to figure out. I spoke with someone who is in the political consultant industry, and actually had a call with the Biden campaign last night. He is a big time centrist and says "if Bernie would have done better, than he would have gotten more votes in the primaries." This is someone who has the ear of the politicians who we think should move left. They're not being told to go left, because of this attitude. They look at the polls, and historic data and say, "the numbers just aren't there for the progressives. Its so frustrating, because the way I see it, the data shows people get excited about economic left issues, like the minimum wage proposition that passed in Florida. So, whats the difference between voting on the issues and voting for the candidate with that agenda? Its the media slant. This brings me to what it really comes down to: how money affects the mainstream media messages. The centrist candidates get better press coverage. And I don't know how to get past this obstacle.

    Cenk Uygur put it well in a tweet last night: "The media hates strong Democrats that fight Republicans with even a fraction of the ferocity with which Republicans fight Democrats. They call them uncivil and bury them in negative media. We need Democrats who are willing to be way more uncivil in how they fight for their side."