A friend of mine just got one and this seems like the goddamn future we should all be going crazy over but no one seems to care much

  • sappho [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I was really into VR for a couple years, got an Oculus dev kit and then one of the first Vive orders. Modded Skyrim and Minecraft all the way back then to experience them in VR and it was mind blowing. Spent a long time telling people that this was the new shit, and worrying over the fact that Facebook's tech was objectively worse than Vive/they had a closed anti-competitive ecosystem but it was on its way to market dominance due to the much lower cost (selling at a loss probably for just this reason). I have no idea what's been happening in the space for the past couple years though.

      • sappho [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Wow, thanks for the summary. This is... possibly the most dystopian way this could have played out so far. Additional support for the theory that this is the worst possible timeline, I suppose