If so, was it polled somewhere?

    • Egon [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Lmao no they're not. Humans are a communal species, it's literally what we've evolved to be.

      However acting as if behavioral (or even worse evolutionary) psychology can in any way give a definite answer on what is human nature and what is learnt behaviour, is ridiculous.
      There are no factual answers to the question "what is human nature?"

    • Venus [she/her]
      10 months ago

      Just because you're a terrible person doesn't mean everyone else is.

        • Venus [she/her]
          10 months ago

          Like a Christian deep in the closet talking about how gay people just need to suppress the natural urge all men feel to engage in gay sex, you believe that your internal experiences are universally shared across humanity. Because you are a selfish, deeply evil person, you refuse to believe that there is actually any such thing as a good person at all. You feel smugly superior to the rest of us who refuse to admit we're all evil, without realizing that not everyone thinks like you.