• IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Ah, the cards are a good idea. If I could ask about your experiences to get a better idea of a potential solution:

    • Is searching through lemmy/hexbear preferable due to the interface, or how the information is presented?
    • Did you go to hexbear first due to your familiarity with it or because it was what first came to mind?
    • Do you usually look for this info on your phone?
    • Is some info good but you'd have to reformat it so you don't end up using it?
    • Do you ever put stuff that's good in your own words?
    • Do you find the formatting (headings, subheadings, bold, etc.) to be helpful in navigating and finding the stuff you are looking for when you have like a huge effortpost?
    • Egon [they/them]
      10 months ago
      • I usually both search on Google withe site:hexbear.net and on Hexbear itself. On Google I am moreso looking for keywords. Hexbear weights upvotes more, and oftentimes a good effortpost has received a lot of upvotes, where Google gives more of everything, but both needs a lot of finagling to be useful.
      • Hexbear due to familiarity.
      • I'm usually posting from phone, so unless it's an effortpost I stay there. For a good infogathering it's on pc tho.
      • Most info needs reformatting (adding linktext for example) so it's rarely something I think of. When it's just a quick message I just link the person to the thread. I always rephrase if I'm making a new effortpost.
      • If I make new effortpost yeah, otherwise I usually just repost the info as is - with minor tweaks.
      • Yes! Good formatting is a lifesaver