Not sure if this is just ingrained "American Dream" mentality but I want to get away from landlords and buy my own house. Partly this is so I can have my own space to work on my own projects, be messy, grow weed, walk around naked, etc. Lately this is looking like a real possibility since I've paid off my college debt and started saving money for a down payment. I'm also expecting house prices to fall in the next year as the economy implodes.

Despite all that, housing is still really expensive where I live and I probably wouldn't be able to afford a house without a partner or a roommate paying part of the mortgage. My romantic prospects aren't looking too good and I really don't want to be a landlord. And I don't know how I would feel buying a foreclosure. Not to mention I'd be locked into a 30 year mortgage that won't be paid off until after climate change has forced us all to migrate to Nunavut.

Tell me chapos, what's the moral thing to do here? Should I keep renting? Buy a house and try to be an "ethical" landlord? Move in with the next woman I meet after the 2nd date? Go join a commune/cult?

  • Quimby [any, any]
    4 years ago

    "From each according to their ability unto each according to their need." You need a house. You probably don't need two houses. Renting space in the house you live in to someone else at a rate they can afford is fine, and helps both people get what they need, as best they can. Buying a second house you don't need just to make money off of someone else who does need it would be wrong.

    And of course, life is complicated and we aren't fucking objectivists. If you use the rent money from a second house to house a third person who can't afford rent at all, is that wrong? Almost definitely not. So just use common sense and don't be too hard on yourself. Leftism really comes down to being compassionate. It's not meant to be a quasi-religious exercise in purity and self-flagellation.