• Marin_Rider@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    so its waste of money to hold this first referendum, but a second one wouldnt be.

    running out of 'no' arguments that dont involve utter hypocracy at this point (actually 'cost' might have been the last one)

  • Nonameuser678@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    They were in government for 10 years and had plenty of opportunities to do this. They were in government when the Uluru Statement was developed and released. Disingenuous doesn't even begin to explain this.

    • zurohki@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      See also: their new pro-nuclear power stance.

      They can't directly support coal power while in opposition, so they've fallen back on delaying renewables by pushing for the power source that would take decades to get established in Australia.

      • Nonameuser678@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Anything but green energy because that's too woke obviously.

        Although, if they're wanting to support research and development into nuclear fusion I personally do think this is a good idea.

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Yes campaigner Kristie Parker, an adviser to the Uluru Dialogue, said it was hypocritical for Mr Dutton to complain about the cost of the Voice referendum, while also proposing to hold a second referendum.

      "This demonstrates that the opposition leader is not listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have very clearly asked for something that will change our lives," she said.

      "Some people have said the referendum is an expensive exercise, and yet here we have the opposition leader, proposing to spend the same amount of money on something that would not change lives."

  • surreptitiouswalk@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    I don't understand why state liberals who support the voice are not out in droves to rebuff Dutton's acrobatic positions. At this stage "Liberals for Yes" is an impotent empty shell of a campaign group.

  • makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    You can see Voldermort wants to be PM. Nice jacket. Nice glasses. This is part of the classic "I'm going to be PM" playbook.

    • bpalmerau@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Except he’s only there so that there can be a leadership change before the next election, where we get whoever has Lachlan Murdoch’s blessing, and that person can pretend they’re not going to do the usual creepy Liberal shit, and blame all the party’s failures on Dutton.