Anyone got any good recipes to share? My sister's boyfriend is coming (despite my objections) to spend thanksgiving (small UK gathering, just me, my dad and my sister and her boyfriend; my family has American connections hence why thanksgiving is a thing with us before people ask) and he's very anti vegan and has already started complaining that the food is going to be "boring and tasteless" in an attempt to force me to give in and have meat on the table (not happening).

So best ideas, products and recipes are much appreciated.

  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i made this seitan recipe earlier this week and i really like how it turned out, but i need to play around with the spices. it's a loaf so I've just been slicing it for sandwiches. i have some "chick n" flavor that I'm going to use next time.

    but there's a ton of seitan recipes out there for chicken or steak or whatever, at varying levels of complexity. i found a bacon-seitan recipe I'm going to try soon lol. steaming it has always worked best for me, it's never turned out right when I've tried boiling it or baking it.