Anyone got any good recipes to share? My sister's boyfriend is coming (despite my objections) to spend thanksgiving (small UK gathering, just me, my dad and my sister and her boyfriend; my family has American connections hence why thanksgiving is a thing with us before people ask) and he's very anti vegan and has already started complaining that the food is going to be "boring and tasteless" in an attempt to force me to give in and have meat on the table (not happening).

So best ideas, products and recipes are much appreciated.

  • maverick [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Honestly I'd just tell him to fuck off and go somewhere else. If I'm gonna be cooking for people and someone preemptively says it's gonna be boring and tasteless because there's no meat then they can go get a burger at mcdonalds or some shit. Insulting the cook before you even get there is a dick move and wouldn't stand with me.

    • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Lol what better way to celebrate the colonizer holiday than by going into someone else's home and bitching about the food?

      • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Last time he was here he refused to eat a veggie burger because, and I quote "I find the spices ethnic". Ethnic is a hell of a dog whistle.

    • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah unfortunately I have to be nice for the sake of my sister. He already whined to her because I threatened to break his fucking arm for being an absolute Chud last time he was here. In my defence I warned him many times before I lost my shit.

      So I'm on my best behaviour because my sister thinks I over reacted and I haven't seen her this year because of covid and I don't want to miss out on seeing her because he's a fucking prick.

      So yeah I agree but he's basically holding me seeing my sister to ransom and he knows I'll fall in line for her sake. I do agree though, for the record. There's a reason I don't interact with him.

  • Speaker [e/em/eir]
    4 years ago

    Mushroom wellington is always great if you can find vegan puff pastry (most of the frozen ones are). You can also make it yourself, but fuck making puff pastry.

    • cynesthesia
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • Lumpy_prole [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Tofurducken: It's a tofu hen stuffed inside a tofu duck stuffed inside a tofurkey.

    Sorry that this isn't actually helpful.

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I usually do field roast, baked sweet potatoes, oven roasted asparagus with aioli, mushroom chestnut stuffing, and a mushroom gravy.

  • mine [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I once did a flatbread-themed thanksgiving and it was awesome. apps were homemade pizza and flatbreads with antipasto (good quality olives, sundried tomatoes, grapes, etc), main course was an indian flatbread topped with mashed potatoes and curried veg-beef crumbles, and a layered crepe cake for dessert. It was one of my all-time favorite meals.

  • evilbitch [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I think trader joes has a vegan cornbread mix!! try that- it might need an alternative milk but it should be good without an egg? egg substitute maybe? disclaimer i am a meat eater but i make a lot of cornbread lol

  • GhostOfChuck [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Not really a vegan substitute for a Thanksgiving dish. But I've been really digging acorn squash recently. Super easy to make, and you can season it savory or sweet depending on what you're serving it with.

    Cut it in half down the middle, scoop out the seeds and innards. Rub some olive oil on the insides and for the savory version I like to season it liberally with some salt, black pepper, cumin, and smoked paprika. You can really use any savory seasonings you like, it's all to preference. Then you cook it facing down (like a dome) in an oven heated to 400 degrees for about 45-60 minutes until it gets tender.

    For sweet just use some vegan butter (probably could just use olive oil for this as well, it doesn't really alter the taste much) then season with some brown sugar and some cinnamon, and maybe some maple syrup if you have it around.

    I usually just serve it in halves since I mostly just cook for me and my girlfriend, but you may need to cut it into portions if you're serving it as a part of a bigger thanksgiving meal.

  • UndeadSpartan72 [comrade/them,any]
    4 years ago

    This is kinda just agreeing with someone else that commented, but if you can find a field roast...roast, those are generally pretty good in my opinion

  • cynesthesia
    11 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • Lord_ofThe_FLIES [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Seitan is surpisingly easy to make and you can make it look and taste like whatever the chud is used to eating for thanksgiving (no idea what that would be).

    My moms recipe:

    320 g wheat gluten

    30 g nooch

    450 ml strongly seasoned broth

    3 tbs oil

    2 tbs tomato paste



    1 ts marjory or oregano

    1 ts soy sauce

    any seasoning or spices to approximate the taste of flesh you might want to replicate.

    Mix, let rest for 15 min, then process with a mixer if you have one or by hand. The longer the better. Cook in broth for 45 min, roast in oven for a tougher skin

    • AluminiumXmasTrees [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Part of what is so frustrating is that his family don't do Thanksgiving, it's just my family because we have American family. So it's not like he's "used to something else". My family is his only connection with it and so it's not like anyone else is going to cook him a meal of that size and complexity. He's literally the only one who is making a fuss about meat and he thinks he can get his way by using the threat of not seeing my sister. Apologies for the rant I'm just pissed he's trying this after I invited him partly as an attempt to try and be nice to him for the sake of my sister.

      Thank you so much for the recipe. I'm saving it in my cookbook as a general seitan recipe, I've never made my own (nor did I realise it was so easy). That does seem like a good solution that might shut him up for a bit. I'll do some experimenting and try and get his beloved turkey/chicken flavour.

  • charles_xcx [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i made this seitan recipe earlier this week and i really like how it turned out, but i need to play around with the spices. it's a loaf so I've just been slicing it for sandwiches. i have some "chick n" flavor that I'm going to use next time.

    but there's a ton of seitan recipes out there for chicken or steak or whatever, at varying levels of complexity. i found a bacon-seitan recipe I'm going to try soon lol. steaming it has always worked best for me, it's never turned out right when I've tried boiling it or baking it.