Please share leftist takes on what's going on in Peru (your own or links, whatever). Police brutality? Political crisis? Maybe a coup, but I'm not sure by who, against who, and with who's support? I'm totally lost and I don't like it.

  • cro [he/him]
    4 years ago

    As far as I understand Vizcarra (the couped president) was part of a different party than Congress majority. He dissolved Congress in 2019 and called for elections but his party didn't win majority. Now Congress majority leader made a call of no confidence, something you can do according to the Peruvian constitution, and it went through because his party has Congress majority. This is just a fight between bourgeois parties though. Another thing that is relevant is that through libertarian policies Peru had a 30% rate of self employment, a lot of which was app workers. The pandemic ravaged the gig economy, therefore Peruvian economy, so there was not much love for Vizcarra.

        • captcha [any]
          4 years ago

          Am I reading 11/130 13/130 nazbols? What the fuck? Is that the remnants of shining path?

          Wait, I think this is the Peruvian Nazbol party which has 10% at 13 seats.

          Oh I don't like this new word, ethnocacerism.

              • captcha [any]
                4 years ago


                The spectre of the Incan empire looms large over Peruvian politics.

                  • captcha [any]
                    4 years ago

                    I was being very loose with the term but there seems to be a considerable force to "relive the glory" of the Incan empire. Incan Nationalism might be more accurate but still doesn't quite describe it. There's probably a better term.

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      4 years ago

      It’s like trading Tony Blair for Boris Johnson. Or a third way neoliberal for post-trump Republican (considering Fujimori and kids are locked up)