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  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Trotskyists are not anti-imperialists

    The 20th Century battle ground was between actually existing socialism and imperialism.

    With the rollbacks of the 1990s this has now shifted between Imperialism and the Right of nations to Self-Determination

    Unable to distinguish between who is and isn't their enemy trot groups have found themselves in the ridiculous situation of supporting "self determination" for South Vietnam. In case anyone has forgotten Vietnam was going to reunify but when the US saw that South Vietnam was going to vote for communism they then invaded. "South Vietnam" was a hated US puppet state

    It is a distinguishing feature of Trotskyism to give out fulsome gushing Left phrases whilst supporting imperialism (Left in form, right in essence). 'In the below articles you can see exactly what I mean.

    On surveying the upcoming destruction of Libya these "socialist parties" denounce Gadaffi as a "dictator" and urge the people to rise up and build socialism.

    The problem? The forces rising up against Gadaffi are astroturfed cia/mi5 sponsored jihadi terrorists who are being armed and funded by the West not so the Libyans can build socialism. But so Libya can be destroyed. Now why did the West want to destroy Gadaffi and Libya? Because Gadaffi was going to use the stock piles of Libyan gold to create a pan-African currency backed by Libyan gold.

    This act by Gadaffi would've lifted the African continent from its knees into a formidable united economic power bloc which would've weakened imperialism and strengthened those on the most hyper-exploited continent.

    The poorest people right now - if Gadaffi had succeeded - would be lifted off their knees for the first time in maybe 500 years.

    We see here what I mean "left in form, right in essence". They demand the immediate building of socialism with no communist forces. They demand the overthrow of a man that led Libya under his leadership to be the country on the Highest Human Development Index on the continent of Africa.

    If they cannot be bothered to properly survey the class forces of a conflict they should shut their mouths

    The only other reason they consistently come out with this is because of infiltration by intelligence services - but seeing as Trotsky had oppposed the Soviet Union with batshit ideas like independent Ukraine in 1939 it's not hard to see where they get their ideological wavering and confusion from

    Socialist Worker released an article attacking PSL for supporting Gadaffi (and another party) as Socialist Worker provided the ideological cover for imperialism to destroy Libya

    Socialist Worker Party were shitting on Gadaffi as NATO ruined Libya

    WSWS are providing the ideological cover for the fascist and neoliberal revolutioanries in Belarus right now

    I mean you get the idea - somehow they are always justifying supporting imperialism but with "left" phraseology. In the terms of Gadaffi they literally are like "Gadaffi sucks the people should push for revolution!" Not understanding the protests were astroturfed by NATO seeking to ruin the country. Either the Trotskyists are too lazy to study each conflict in depth before coming to a conclusion they ask their members and supporters to support or they are deliberately aiding imperiailism - either way they serve reaction.

    Taking payment from the Hearst press

    William Randolph Hearst is the name of a multi-millionaire who sought to help the Nazis in their psychological warfare against the Soviet Union. Hearst was a well-known US newspaper proprietor known as the ‘father’ of the so-called ‘yellow press’, i.e., the sensationalist press. William Hearst began his career as a newspaper editor in 1885 when his father, George Hearst, a millionaire mining industrialist, Senator and newspaper proprietor himself, put him in charge of the San Francisco Daily Examiner

    This was also the start of the Hearst newspaper empire, an empire which strongly influenced the lives and thinking of North Americans. After his father died, William Hearst sold all the mining industry shares he inherited and began to invest capital in the world of journalism. His first purchase was the New York Morning Journal, a traditional newspaper which Hearst completely transformed into a sensationalist rag. He bought his stories at any price, and when there were no atrocities or crimes to report, it behoved his journalists and photographers to ‘arrange’ matters. It is this which in fact characterises the ‘yellow press’: lies and ‘arranged’ atrocities served up as truth.

    These lies of Hearst’s made him a millionaire and a very important personage in the newspaper world. In 1935 he was one of the richest men in the world, with a fortune estimated at $200 million. After his purchase of the Morning Journal, Hearst went on to buy and establish daily and weekly newspapers throughout the US. In the 1940s, William Hearst owned 25 daily newspapers, 24 weekly newspapers, 12 radio stations, 2 world news services, one business providing news items for films, the Cosmopolitan film company, and a lot of others. In 1948 he bought one of the US’s first TV stations, BWAL – TV in Baltimore. Hearst’s newspapers sold 13 million copies a day and had close to 40 million readers. Almost a third of the adult population of the US were reading Hearst newspapers every day. Furthermore, many millions of people throughout the world received information from the Hearst press via his news services, films and a series of newspapers that were translated and published in large quantities all over the world. The figures quoted above demonstrate how the Hearst empire was able to influence American politics, and indeed world politics, over very many years – on r issues which included opposition to the US entering the Second World War on the side of the Soviet Union and support for the McCarthyite anti-communist witch-hunts of the 1950s.

    William Hearst’s outlook was ultra-conservative, nationalist and anti-communist. His politics were the politics of the extreme right. In 1934 he travelled to Germany, where he was received by Hitler as a guest and friend. After this trip, Hearst’s newspapers became even more reactionary, always carrying articles against socialism, against the Soviet Union and especially against Stalin. Hearst also tried to use his newspapers for overt Nazi propaganda purposes, publishing a series of articles by Goering, Hitler’s right-hand man. The protests of many readers, however, forced him to stop publishing such items and to withdraw them from circulation.

    After his visit to Hitler, Hearst’s sensationalist newspapers were filled with ‘revelations’ about the terrible happenings in the Soviet Union – murders, genocide, slavery, luxury for the rulers and starvation for the people, all these were the big news items almost every day. The material was provided to Hearst by the Gestapo, Nazi Germany’s political police. On the front pages of the newspapers there often appeared caricatures and falsified pictures of the Soviet Union, with Stalin portrayed as a murderer holding a dagger in his hand. We should not forget that these articles were read each day by 40 million people in the US and millions of others worldwide!


    The above is to give you an exposition of the Hearst Press. Imagine tabloids talking about Princess Diana and UFOs today except it's the Soviet Union and about a disfigured frog boy only allowed to eat meat. A lot of the Hearst presses lies still exist today used to attack the Soviet Union (and now Russia)

    Upon Trotskys exile the Hearst Press - led by an actual nazi - starts championing Trotsky as the "true communist". Why on earth does the Hearst press champion Trotsky as the true communist? Well anyone with half a brain can see Hearst press has seen a rivet in the communist movement and is now sticking a crow bar into it

    “He received $10,000 for his first articles for the Daily Express, New York Herald Tribune, New York Times, and other newspapers. Soon he would receive an advance of $7,000 from an American publisher for his autobiography, and for a series of articles entitled ‘The History of the Russian Revolution’ the Saturday Evening Post paid him $45,000.”

    -Volkogonov’s Trotsky: The Eternal Revolutionary, page 323.

    This is in money from the 1920s and 30s, of course, so $62,000 in 1935 is about $1,170,000 in 2020.

    The Failure to produce a revolution in a century

    If we are to understand revolution as a science then Trotskyism has existed for a long time now and we see the failure of the Trotskyists to produce a revolution. The fact they end up tailing social-democrats means they have basically become Social democrats

    • BaptizedNRG [he/him]
      4 years ago

      So do you actually organize among the working class or do you just post "umm ackshually" for daddy Stalin?