• ViveLaCommune [any]
    4 年前

    In most other places like you say, people would just think it's antagonizing for its own sake, discard the pain behind, discard your voice within their ranks and others entirely. Not like they need any more reason, but ya know.

    Kill all billionaires seems cool and good for everyone because it's so out of reach but.. relatable, I guess, and perfectly correct, but jumping to kill all rich men, kill all men, it's still about the pure hatred toward the person in power, the oppressor, the majority, the idea of it foremost but the object is still the human. Some men might deserve to get killed, so fuck them, some men could help stop these other men but don't (the majority), so fuck them, some men do help (but they're the smallest minority of them all). So fuck them all indeed, those same people that would discard you for those words would certainly be part of that majority of fuckers who never act, push for the status quo. Hence, kill them all, it would do more good.

    I don't know what I'm aiming at but it might be useful to try to explain the powers at play, to radicalize, and if that doesn't work (e.g. right winger lol), to go full overdrive and antagonize and get the guillotine out. Or manipulate ? Idk.