Hey everyone! 2020 sucked ass but the games didn't. Just wanted to know what everyone's personal GOTY is and why. It can be a game released in 2020, or a game released whenever that captivated you this year, or both if you're feeling froggy.

  • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    hades, spiritfarer, ckiii(preemptively for after i pirate all the inevitable dlc)

    disco elysium and :big-honk: came out in 2019 but im counting them anyways

    and caves of qud has had like a zillion updates so that ones worth looking at if you havent played it this year, super fun

  • orph [she/her]
    4 years ago

    basic answer: animal crossing bc it came out like a month into covid lockdowns and everyone got obsessed at the same time and that was pretty fun

    meme answer: dark souls bc 2020 is the dark souls of years (and also bc I recently started playing it for the first time woo)

    real answer: enter the gungeon bc I 100%'d it this year, and it was the first game I've 100%'d since mario galaxy when I was 12

  • spinachupper [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Classic and classic-styled FPS's are my games of the year, so that includes Dusk, Amid Evil, and Quake's map packs Arcane Dimensions, Epochs of Enmity, and Dwell. Quake's map packs in particular contain some of the best levels I've ever seen designed and they were made for free by modders.

    FEAR is also a bucketload of fun, I've been replaying that game and its expansions all year and it never gets old. The AI is probably the best you'll ever see in an FPS in that they always switch up their tactics to try to take you down so it's never the same.

  • Rem [she/her]
    4 years ago

    You didn't say video game specifically so Imma say D&D because it got me through a lot of quarentine bullshit.

  • openthroat [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Absolutely The Last of Us Part II and it’s not even a contest.

  • HntrKllr [he/him]
    4 years ago

    City Skylines. I purchased it last year, but since lockdowns I ended up purchasing all the DLC (at the time) and love it. Got mods that make populations more realistic and such and is an absolute blast. Kind of wish it I could pick certain builds aesthetic/architecture manually but otherwise dope af. I think I've logged a hundred hours into it in the last 12 months!

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Desperadoes 3 - basically modernised Commandos except it's the wild west and you're sneaking around shanking bandits and Pinkertons and shit

    Just really really well done even if it's kind of just a reskin of Shadow Tactics, but the pause mode to queue up actions is an absolute gamechanger for people like me with no motor skills

    • crispyhexagon [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      wasteland 3 is also a good third-in-series that came out in 2020 with gameplay thats good for the motor-skill deficient and a plot that stands on its own