Hey everyone! 2020 sucked ass but the games didn't. Just wanted to know what everyone's personal GOTY is and why. It can be a game released in 2020, or a game released whenever that captivated you this year, or both if you're feeling froggy.
Hey everyone! 2020 sucked ass but the games didn't. Just wanted to know what everyone's personal GOTY is and why. It can be a game released in 2020, or a game released whenever that captivated you this year, or both if you're feeling froggy.
basic answer: animal crossing bc it came out like a month into covid lockdowns and everyone got obsessed at the same time and that was pretty fun
meme answer: dark souls bc 2020 is the dark souls of years (and also bc I recently started playing it for the first time woo)
real answer: enter the gungeon bc I 100%'d it this year, and it was the first game I've 100%'d since mario galaxy when I was 12
Dark souls is fantastic, definitely my favourite game series.