This is perhaps the highest quality post ever made. My only regret is that it is so incredibly niche no one will ever understand it if I show them
If it ain't that 50's era schoolyard bully feel then what's the point of it all?
This is probably the best edit to ever be hosted to this site (genuine) (I think) (I mean I'm not howling with laughter but I think the historical context makes this a very very funny edit and it's a great bit)
I have completely forgotten what is the origin of the boy and girl from this comic?
I will be using this, and instead of later I'll thank you now. Thank you. Your contribution is one of the best I have ever seen.
Responding to your request despite the nauseating user name turned out to be the right call.
I don't think I'll ever stop finding it weird that this site uses characters that are 13 years old to depict top and bottom
Yeah not a hill I'm gonna die on or anything, but we need better emojis for it
Which sources the images from 196 on and the highest voted comment says “You’re not a top or a bottom, you’re fourteen”