I made a post in tactics (maybe the wrong community) about how I have been agitating members of the Sunrise movement and building an ecosocialist caucus to challenge the national leadership. I've been thinking about how such a structure would work, and how to make it more efficient and while reading Moa's "Rectify the Party's Style of Work" I learned about democratic centralism. It seems like a good place to start but I'm having trouble finding good resources to draw from. Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
For me what could be gained from agitating within sunrise and forming a faction is that it could potentially reach a lot of people who are ready to be radicalized. I'd be happy even if it just causes a break because by that time a large(ish) number of people will be onboard, and then maybe we could start our own thing?? I'm not going to keep with it for too long if it's not going anywhere, I don't want to waste too much of my time, but I am ever an optimist and think that if there is a possibility of shifting this org I might as well try!
I don't know much about democratic centralism, but I wanted to explore it as an alternative to the top down structure that Sunrise takes at a national level. I was thinking of using it as a proposed structure for the ecosocialist caucus. I would love to learn more about how the DSA ecosocialist groups intersect with sunrise. From what I can tell they were not organized in any capacity because no one was having conversations about socialism on the national forum before I joined it!
I guess I just don't want to start from scratch and other organizations at this scale seem to have similar criticisms leveled at them. I figure I'll work where I potentially have the most influence for now.