Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"

    1 year ago

    Which sounds great until you realize that many of them define right wing nut jobs as anyone who's not a Marxist-Leninist

    Edit: LMAO exhibit A below me. "We're not sectarian, they're just not real leftists." Yeah guys, you're doing exactly what I said

        1 year ago

        In much of human behavior there tends to be a divide between what we say and what we do. This is no exception

            1 year ago

            The -oid suffix, as an insult, has a long history of ableism and racism. Maybe you should work on being better instead of projecting your bigotry by appropriating Marxist-flavored gotchas

                • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  You're telling me huh

                  Im looking through several hate speech websites and I'm not seeing a single thing about what you saying, anyway. Just a single reddit post (ofc) with no linked information.

                  I am sorry (to myself I guess) for using bigoted language (... to myself? like who am I hurting here besides using language that targets me) and I would love for more information on the subject. If I'm wrong, im happy to take the L and throw such language away.

                  but here revised:

                  You are a fake leftist that simps for imperialist and colonialist organizations founded in collaboration with nazis. You are useless to the worldwide movement and no matter how hard you work, you will be doing so in the wrong direction, and would be as useless as you are right now. You use problems of people far worse off than yourself as a shield to help ignore everything you do wrong when you should be using it to look at yourself. You "don't care how anyone identifies" until it is used against you. You ignore the actual fascists and racists because they would not harm you, and you know it. Go take your nonsense to someone who would actually care, you sorry excuse for a leftist. Your liberalism will never be accepted anywhere that has anything more than surface level political knowledge, and that is completely fine by me.

                    1 year ago

                    This is just one example

                    You are a fake leftist that simps for imperialist and colonialist organizations founded in collaboration with nazis. You are useless to the worldwide movement and no matter how hard you work, you will be doing so in the wrong direction, and would be as useless as you are right now. You use problems of people far worse off than yourself as a shield to help ignore everything you do wrong when you should be using it to look at yourself. You "don't care how anyone identifies" until it is used against you. You ignore the actual fascists and racists because they would not harm you, and you know it. Go take your nonsense to someone who would actually care, you sorry excuse for a leftist. Your liberalism will never be accepted anywhere that has anything more than surface level political knowledge, and that is completely fine by me.


                    • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                      1 year ago

                      This is just one example

                      that gives a 404 error message with a picture of nixon.

                      And wow, got me, lmao

                      how old are you? You shouldn't be online so young.

                        1 year ago

                        that gives a 404 error message with a picture of nixon.

                        Idk what's up with your browser then it's

                        Don't act like your infantile scrawl deserved anything but an equally infantile response

                        Edit: Since others can't see the link, suffice to say that -oid insults are based on outdated words for people with downs syndrome, and those of obsolete race "science."

                        Obviously the -oid suffix can also mean "like," but that is not the context in which it is used as an insult.

        • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
          1 year ago

          You got a trite truism for every time you say shit without investigating it and are told you're wrong about it?

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Here's a bare-bones answer to get whether or not you're a right-winger or Left-winger. I emphasize again, this is a bare-bones answer that's leaving out a lot of other stuff.

      Who should have ownership over the means of production, or Capital Goods if you want to use non-marxist lingo. If you say the working class should have ownership over the means of production then you're left-wing. If you say capitalists should have ownership over the means of production then you're right-wing.

        1 year ago

        Yeah I can get behind this, and I'd say you're right that it's the bare-bones definition of the economic left vs right divide.

        But then you have people who will look at market socialists, anarchists, or some other brand of leftism and call them secret fascists or something like that. It's my experience (and yours may differ) that MLs are eager to insist that theirs is the only way and dismiss the rest.

        Not all MLs are this dogmatic. But when a leftist is this dogmatic, they always seem to be ML

        • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          fake Marxists who ignore the basics of marxist? heck yeah we hate them. I've yet to see any fake anarchists or MLs on hexbear that werent immediately banned tho

        • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          But then you have people who will look at market socialists, anarchists, or some other brand of leftism and call them secret fascists or something like that. It's my experience (and yours may differ) that MLs are eager to insist that theirs is the only way and dismiss the rest

          What you're describing is the analysis of Marxism-Leninism on other socialist tendencies based off of the historical materialist end results of their respective ideologies. A very simple example of this would be is how Marxists would prod anarchists as being more idealist over materialist over the fact that the more idealist members of the anarchist faction advocate for the immediate and total abolishment of the penal system can't reconciliate the fact that anarchists reestablished the penal system during the Spanish Civil War on their turf due to the material conditions they faced forcing them to make that decision. There's a lot more to this discussion that's being left out with plenty of worthwhile perspectives from all Left factions on the civil war in regards to this and much more.

          It's in this regard that marxists will ruthlessly critique all ideological threads and each other all in the name of finding the most materially realistic path to Socialism within their respective home countries - and historically, revolution is the only means to the goal of establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat and a scientific socialist society.

        • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          There is not a valid distinction between economic left and political left, or economic right and political right.

          There is the left and its various tendencies and ideologies (anarchists, communists, MLs, etc.) And the right and its various tendencies (liberals, conservatives, libertarians, fascists etc.)

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      The people I see deploying this take the most are the same people who think Democrats are communists