• GreyBeard@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      You assume they have an endpoint team. There are a lot of companies under 100 employees out there. They are often lucky if they have an IT guy at all.

    • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      All operating systems are now, except vanilla Linux.

      I stress vanilla Linux because Android started this Ad-OS shitshow and Android is Linux with extra steps.

      • NormalC
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          Ok Boomer Stallman.

          Seriously though, do you really think being a pedantic jackass like Stallman actually ingratiates anyone to FOSS? Because it doesn't, just so you know. It's absolutely annoying eye-rolling shit for regular people. But sure, keep gatekeeping Linux as a place where only people with no fucking social skills get to use it or talk about it.

          Stallman and attitudes like his absolutely alienate people. Ignore that at your own peril, if you actually want growth in Linux adoption.

          • buckykat [none/use name]
            10 months ago

            Stallman is right about all his free software takes except his take that commercial free software is acceptable.

            (He also has a very bad take about they/them pronouns)

            • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              And Epstein, don't forget his bad takes on connections with Epstein.

              Motherfucker is full of bad takes. Tired of people acting like he's something to look up to, even when I agree with a lot of his good takes. The tech community needs to get fucking self reflection and grow its social skills. People need to follow Linus Torvald's lead in realizing that he may not be perfect and may need to work on how he communicates.

          • giacomo@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            It's absolutely annoying eye-rolling shit for regular people.

            This is how I feel about reading your posts, dingus.

  • kiranraine@reddthat.com
    10 months ago

    I just wanna say this is irony that it came up on a work machine tho. Like they really trying to get you out of there 🤣

  • gregorum@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    This is why I continue to not have used windows in over 20 years. It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. 

  • Blizzard@lemmy.zip
    10 months ago

    You're telling me you don't want to - checks notes - harness the power of networking?

  • Envis10n@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Have never had a popup ad like this. Maybe because I have all of that stuff turned off?

    Seems like an oddly specific reason to run Linux on your personal machines tho.

    There are tons of other issues that are far more relevant and affect more users than simple windows store popup ads that most people don't seem to get.

  • Okalaydokalay@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    Oh even better is connecting to a printer and that printer downloading and installing a Windows Store app. That cancerous HP Print app is the one that always comes to mind I see on family members’ computers.

  • PigPoopBallsDotJPG [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    LinkedIn pivoting as a VPN provider confirmed. Bet they figured they could never compete with X, the everything app.

  • Valmond@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I'm typing this on my lemmy "server" PC, an 8500 i5 running Linux Mint (and lemmy.mindoki.com yay !)

    I keep my 2600X Windows machine but I more and more rarely feel the need to go back to it. Photoshop something quickly or scan or print something, got a lot of stuff on the drives, ... not very much more! Guess I'll have to deal with some specific stuff if I want to fire up my 3D printer, but once the change done, it's done forever I feel, and not like every windows update you have to re-do/learn something again...

    Ah, you wanted some sort of comment? Sorry, I was just ranting :-D