• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’m surprised advertisers don’t have much of a problem with it. Because it just makes me fucking despise whatever website I was tricked into going to.

    It would be like a sandwich shop hiring a guy to wear a sandwich costume and pass out flyers on their corner. Only, instead of just doing that, he forces you into the sandwich shop. Guaranteed I would be pissed and hate that place for life.

  • My boss has a morning meeting where we tell him what we’re working on for the day. And every Monday, this meeting is at 8:00 when my shift starts. I’m thankful my name makes me further down the list because I would be stumbling to get that.

    He’s a cool guy and not overly micromanager or anything, so it’s not a huge thing, but just reminded me seeing this meme.

  • It’s absolutely bonkers for Microsoft to even consider that paying $99 or $199 for their ad ridden software is fair and reasonable. If you’re going to bombard me with ads, the shit better be free. You can’t have it both ways. Ads are riddled in the OS whether it be in the Start Menu, notifications area, File Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and even other paid products like Microsoft Office.

    It’s so fucking frustrating seeing shit like Candy Crush being forcefully installed onto a system you paid for, especially when it’s supposed to be the “Pro/Enterprise” tier. Windows is a fucking joke and they deserved to have people using this exploit to get “free” activated copies of their OS.

    Hopefully this is just another thing that pushes people to other OSes, whether that be Linux or macOS. Just get the hell away from Microsoft and take some of that monopoly power from under them little by little.

  • No longer being able to access Apollo. Had that been allowed (and no extra fees for using it), I would have kept browsing Reddit. Hell, I wouldn’t have minded some ads in Apollo if that meant keeping it.

    But damn using that garbage official app. I tried it once again and it’s garbage. I tried it once before when Alien Blue stopped being viable and didn’t go back when I tried Apollo.

  • There’s a Hell’s Angels chapter up the street from my house. Very likely because there is also a world famous road in the city that motorcyclists love to ride.

    I’m a motorcyclist as well, but I ride a sports bike and I’m not with any club. But as a rider on the streets, I see a lot of other motorcyclists and they are all generally very friendly to me when we pass each other. We do the typical waves and nods and also the alerting if one of us noticed cops in the direction of the other biker (pat your helmet to signal this to the biker on the opposing lane if you have a cop behind you or if one has a trap behind you or something similar).

    I’ve heard of beefs between the motorcycles that Hell’s Angels types ride (those Harley-like bikes) and sports bikes like mine, but I’ve never had any problems, myself.

    But I keep to myself and I don’t particularly like groups, so that may also have something to do with it.

    When driving my car, I see motorcyclists a lot as well and never had issues there either.

    As others said, you keep your distance and you’re generally okay. It’s when you get in their business or make them mad that you bring trouble directly on yourself. Though, I do agree with someone else’s sentiment that a lot of their illegal dealings do have impacts on the community, at large, so this isn’t always a sure fire way of protecting yourself. But this is what you can do, at most, to ensure you’re out of harms way. Generally they don’t want to bring attention to themselves, as making life harder for people in the area will make the cops eye their chapter more closely and that’s not good for their business.

  • United States and can on a motorcycle but not a car.

    I kind of regret getting a manual transmission motorcycle and feel like I would enjoy one of the rarer automatic transmissions. I do not enjoy riding on city streets and having to constantly switch gears to adjust between slower and faster traffic. It may give me more control over the ride and bike, but it’s not enjoyable to have to focus on it, especially when I’m coming to a stop. The first few times I began riding, I stalled all the time. I’m better at it now but I still do not enjoy shifting.

  • I used to work with adults who had seizures and it was terrifying to watch but we did what we had to do for them. But I was always curious what it was like for the person experiencing the seizure. Like, what exactly do you remember? If you don’t mind going into detail, if not, I’m sorry I asked.

    Do you remember falling to the ground and then your consciousness jumps to waking up and there’s nothing between?