Link because I am not always a lib.

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  • AOCapitulator [they/them]
    10 months ago

    to be fair thats what all of the previous generations did

    (the ones affluent and influentual enough culturally to be the guiding force for the times, of course)

    Im too lazy to find it but that one whiney ass fucking article some loser wrote in like 1820 about how "kids these days are too busy reading dang ol BOOKS to LOOK OUT THE DAMN WINDOW like we did in our day!" and the way he talks about it is like every fucking white 54 year old complaining about anything ever

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      10 months ago

      "They will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks."

      • Socrates on writing (at least according to Plato)