imagine having a MONARCHY in the year of our lord 2020, lmao

fucking netherlands, didn't even start with a king, keeps theirs

fucking belgium, king's grandda or whatever did genocide in the Congo, wtf

fucking Scandinavia wtf ur kings suck get rid of them it isn't 1320 anymore

fucking SPAIN my god ur king was put there by a fascist get a grip

and England, fuckssake, first ones to behead the fuckers, yet now the most attached to that dessicated corpse named Lizard or something, truly the most feebled people: getting shown up by puritan genociders 😑

  • ynunu [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Indirect political power? Well, all of the monarchies are rich as shit so…

    Their ceremonial roles also tend to give them a lot of access to powerful people, and a lot of prestige.

    Also the UK monarch literally removed an Australian Prime Minister (and dissolved the Aus Parliament) in 1975, and still has the power to do it again.

    That was the governor-general, who afaik is only nominally under the control of the monarch. To all intents and purposes they are appointed by the prime minister and use their powers independently. I think that's how it works in all of the non-UK countries that have the British monarch as their head of state.

    Anyway the current British royals only seem to be interested in using their influence for stupid shit like promoting homeopathy and interfering with random building projects (and protecting their own status and wealth of course).