• Poutine_And_Politics [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I love how these articles don't point out that having this kind of lifestyle is also only accessible to the rich. Anyone else getting up at 4:30am for work probably dragged their ass into bed sometime around 10pm, exhausted and just finished cleaning the house from dinner and maybe having an hour or two to chill. They're then going to scarf down a bagel and burnt coffee before stumbling onto a bus at 5:15am, or maybe be lucky enough to get in a car and commute for an hour just to get to the office. These rich fucks who get up at 4:30 to do yoga and slam down green drink or whatever the fuck don't ever cook or clean or anything. They can always walk to work because they can afford to live wherever they please. They've not gotta deal with their own kids, or fuck all else.

    Being rich means you literally have more time and fuck I can't stand it.