• blobjim [he/him]
    4 years ago

    the whole suspected terrorists being sent to boarding schools by the state just doesn’t sit right

    This is just you being distrusting of foreign governments and enemies of the US. There is no reason to suspect it's anything else other than what they've stated other than some hunch based on the lies that imperialist governments tell. Your first sentence says "why defend the situation". Your second sentence then directly goes on the attack. Your third sentence digs in even more with "oppressive policies". You're telling me I shouldn't defend them, and then you're attacking without evidence again. So what's it going to be? Defend China from baseless accusations or make baseless accusations. There's never really a middle ground because not providing a counter just reinforces the dominant narrative.

    • ribosome [she/her,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      I'm too tired to respond coherently but how is there no middle ground? It seems to me like you're suggesting critical skepticism of minorities being sent away to vocational schools is the same thing as the libs parroting CNN and cheering for sanctions. I want imperialists to leave China alone but I guess you're right, I can't bring myself to trust them on how they handle their anti-terrorism campaigns. We can probably agree that its a helluva lot better than bombing the shit out of people though :amerikkka: