Anything. Go for a run, go for a walk, do the awesome muy thai video @POLYBIUS posted, do push ups and sit ups, et a new PR, pole dance Anything.

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  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]M
    4 years ago

    Echoing @DasKarlBarx I've been cooking up this theory. You take a week, right? You decide that week, "I'm going to shotgun 5 different approaches to waking up early." One time cold turkey you just do a jog. One time you make a breakfast early, wait a while, then jog. One time you have breakfast already made, you wake up, eat a little, then jog. You do one where it's a little later, you juts drink tea and go for a jog. You do 5 of those and then you decide, "which one was my favorite? What went well? What sucked? What could be better?" You take another 3 days to iron out the details (3 permutations of your favorite method of the first week) of what waking up earlier looks like. You then commit to that 2nd evolution champion method and commit to doing that one for a month. You then have a new habit you can refine and perfect.

    edit: learned today that this concept is called A/B testing and people just do that.