If so, how was it? Would you recommend listening to it? I know Mike has some liberal brainworms that come out at times but from what I’ve listened to, I feel like he mostly sticks with the facts. I liked his series that came before this one (English Civil War, French Revolution, Haiti, etc).

  • vertexarray [any]
    10 months ago

    There's a moment I remember where some Mensheviks quit parliment in protest, giving the Bolsheviks a majority, and Mike is a total realist about it, no pearl-clutching about civility or anything. I think that moment stuck out to me because it seems like a perfect moment for a more brainwormed historian to howl about duplicitous Bolshevik betrayal, but Mike gives you just the facts ma'am.

    I'm certain there are moments where he gets scoldy, or treats power-grabs as somehow ominous, but I don't remember it as getting to the point of being insulting.