Visa and Mastercard control what types of companies can exist openly. One of the most trusted nootropics companies had to shutter because Visa and Mastercard stopped processing payments.
If your competition takes credit card and you don't, you lose every time.
They still exist but they follow the pathway of shipping from the US to a company in Mexico and then people in the US can buy them back from the Mexican company.
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Remember when PayPal, Mastercard and Visa stopped processing donations to WikiLeaks?
Visa and Mastercard control what types of companies can exist openly. One of the most trusted nootropics companies had to shutter because Visa and Mastercard stopped processing payments.
If your competition takes credit card and you don't, you lose every time.
which one?
They still exist but they follow the pathway of shipping from the US to a company in Mexico and then people in the US can buy them back from the Mexican company.
What if we ban the bourgeoisie