so for context i have a 152mm shimano saddle for my regular bike

my s/o got a schwinn indoor bike and the saddle is actually rubbing my b-hole raw (changing positioning only shifts the problem to my labia). it is definitely too cushioned for me, but idk how to find an alternative since everything is always focused on more cushioning. help me pls ._.

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    switching between the two saddles would be pretty unfun.

    Just had a thought. Is the saddle on the exercise bike mounted on a standard seatpost like on a "normal" bike? If so, you might be able to install a quick release seatpost clamp like this on the frame:

    Then you could mount a saddle that suits you on it's own seatpost, and switching between different saddles would take like a few seconds.