Could anyone help? Give some tips? I really want to read Capital, then move on to stuff like State/Revolution, Governance, etc.

I'm not really a fan of audiobooks (mostly because they're so monotone feeling... maybe I've not found the right ones?), but if I can't figure anything else out, I might go down that road.

My main issue is really just focus. I'll read a few paragraphs and enjoy it, then as I continue I slowly start drifting, no longer understanding the text, rereading over and over...

Anyways, I imagine some of you may have had this problem before, with how the internet and social media fucked our attention spans and all. Maybe if I could ever read Capital and all that, I could make comprehensive video versions for those like me...

Thanks in advance.

  • D61 [any]
    4 years ago

    Depending on "how" you're reading (digital format, in bed before going to sleep, on the toilet, etc)... you could try to condense what you've read in a paragraph or page into one or two sentences.

    Keep a notebook handy, or if reading in some digital format, see if there is some way to add a text box or note to the page. If you want to plan ahead, flip through the book you're trying to read and copy down the headings in a notebook. When you get to those sections while reading, you already have a rough template of where to start your condensing exercises. It might give something to focus on as a goal while you're reading and give you a stopping point to take breaks.

    After finishing a section and checking over your notes, see if you could identify the "thesis" of the section, the arguments supporting the thesis, and if you felt that the arguments were clear and convincing or if the arguments were unclear or unconvincing.

    For me, when I find myself drifting, I figure its time to set the book down for a bit.