• KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    4 years ago

    gta v is infinitely better than this game. More coherent story, interesting characters, and most importantly it’s fun to play

    Literally the only thing GTA5 did better was the driving (which is, admittedly, unparalleled as far as games that aren't exclusively racing games go). The gunplay is flaming dogshit even for its day, the story is you're an unemotive sociopath who wants to do crime for money and who doesn't want to kill people but also does it constantly without complaint/a greedy dipshit rat having a midlife crisis/an unhinged rapist and serial killer (and also all three are business owners by the end of the game) and you just repeatedly do crime for money, and it's full of transphobic and homophobic bullshit. It may have redeeming elements (like the driving and heists), but it has to be enjoyed in the context of it being an extremely dated, janky, and problematic game.

    I swear the discourse around Cyberpunk 2077 is so fucking insufferable and seems to be 90% based on people repeating other people being wrong on twitter so many times that they're just really mad at an idea formed entirely a priori out of pure Discourse, and the other 10% are people with last gen consoles being mad about performance problems. I've even seen people try to claim fucking Fallout 4 or 76 had better writing and gameplay, which is so patently absurd it shouldn't even merit a response.