Greetings dear folks,

I have noticed an increasing number of users dissatisfied with Hexbearians. Reading through the modlogs on, I have observed truckloads of users being banned on, meaning that they won't see any Hexbearian's reply to them since Hexbearians aren't able to see their comments. Despite this, I have yet to see the complaints from die down. May I politely ask, what is it that makes so many users hate us? And, how can we improve? Thanks!

I humbly request that all parties involved in the comments refrain from using slurs or name-calling to reduce the workload on mods and admins.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      For an illustrative example of why every sane person who has had contact with "hexbearians" is exasperated by them, just look at any comment made by a "hexbearian" in this thread. Y'all are delusional af, and combative to boot.

      Everyone that disagrees with is insane and deluded, a bedtime story for smug crybully liberals. smuglord

      Fucking rich that you cry about "combativeness" when you lead with the above post.

        1 year ago

        Everyone that disagrees with is insane and deluded, a bedtime story for smug crybully liberals.

        Well, I didn't say that. You did. And I disagree with it. What I said is that "hexbearians" are generally delusional, and I feel pretty vindicated in that assessment by the many, many posts by them in this thread. As an example of delusion, you decided that you know enough about me to infer that I believe that everybody whose opinions differ from my own must be delusional, despite very little evidence to back that claim up.

        Fucking rich that you cry about “combativeness” when you lead with the above post.

        Pointing something out that is true is not crying. And yes. You're very combative.

        1 year ago

        Ok. There's also several examples of the combativeness I described right here in this thread as well, if you'd care to look at the evidence I've cultivated.

        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          1 year ago

          This isn't reddit, so stop acting like a redditor. "I hAvE eViDenCe tHat peOplE calLeD oUt mY dIpsHitT bEhavIoR" doesn't fly here.

          Put your big girl pants on, and deal with the fact that people are "combative".

            1 year ago

            This isn’t reddit, so stop acting like a redditor.

            I get that that seems like a cut and dried definition in your mind, but it doesn't to the rest of us. Could you explain it better? What does a redditor act like, and how is that not appropriate?

            Put your big girl pants on, and deal with the fact that people are “combative”

            I'm replying to you aren't I? I haven't blocked you, which I could very easily do. I'm attempting to treat you as an adult, though you are very adamantly insisting on not acting like one. So, tell me - how is my behavior running counter to your idea of "dealing with combative people"?

        • Nakoichi [they/them]
          1 year ago

          Yes we are combative with reactionaries and liberals. Deal with it.

        • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          I mean I still don't see anything that bad here, since federation with the rest of lemmy I've had more transphobic shit in my inbox more than in literal years.

            1 year ago

            Ok, well... I'm not a transphobe. And ideologically speaking, I think that you and I would probably share many of the same beliefs.

            Despite that, you can see the responses to my posts here from some of the... louder members of your community. These people represent you. They are why several instances have defederated from hexbear. So... that's the combativeness I'm describing.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              So... that's the combativeness I'm describing.

              You came in here passive-aggressively claiming that all the "sane" people are against Hexbear and that the people of Hexbear were "deluded" because they didn't agree with you.

              You're just another ableist crybully. One of you shows up, like, daily.

                1 year ago

                I would agree with you, except you and several of your confederates have shown up to provide ample evidence supporting my thesis. So I think that means I'm probably right. We all agree that you lot are delusional and combative.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  We all agree that you lot are delusional

                  You're conjuring up a complete-agreement consensus of everyone unspoken for all agreeing with you that your perceived political enemies are universally delusional. Irony meters are exploding everywhere.

                • Nakoichi [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Yes, we over on Hexbear are beholden to combatting liberalism, reactionaries, racism, transphobia, apologia for cops, landlords, imperialism, capitalism, etc.

                  If this makes you uncomfortable that is your problem.

                • forcequit [she/her]
                  1 year ago

                  whipping up some post science in the post lab. call that a post doctorate

            • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              The pattern I observe is people rolling up and being intentionally shitty to try to provoke a response- you even said as much in another post.

              If people are operating in bad faith have no issue with people dunking on them.

              I'm a communist, I'm used to liberals reacting with horror and stigma to opinions I have. That's honestly what makes a lot of the hexbear complaint threads so interesting.

              I'll go into to other lemmies where people are so offended and look at what they posted and it's usually vile shit that deserved scorn.

                1 year ago

                In this thread, one of the members from hexbear asked why people are defederating from them. I answered, and your fellow "hexbearians" were kind enough to chime in in response to my post providing an incredible amount of evidence backing up my answer.

                While most normal people would see a post like mine and just move past it, I've gotten probably about 20 - 25 responses from angry tankies filling up my inbox. And none of them have made anything resembling a point so far.

                • Nakoichi [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  It's literally a meta post about us and you are somehow shocked that we show up to explain/defend ourselves?

                  How does this prove anything you have asserted?

                  If anything it proves how wrong you are.

                • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
                  1 year ago

                  I mean it's a post with our instance name in it, makes sense people show up. I'm here because it showed up in my feed and I legit don't understand how people get offended so easily

                • forcequit [she/her]
                  1 year ago

         they were brought in on the drama, they'll be taken out on the drama. it doesn't matter

        • Maoo [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          Combative is when I criticize you and you reply.

          Checkmate, commies.

        • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          I'm sorry that the emoji hurt your feelings, I hope you don't have to read any more scary opinions on an online forum anytime soon

            1 year ago

            Again, an incredibly illustrative example of someone who is both delusional and combative. Thank you for your contribution to my presentation.

                1 year ago

                ... Ok. You've already contributed several times to the "delusional" pile of evidence, but more is always appreciated, I suppose. Thank you for your eagerness.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Everyone that disagrees with is insane and deluded, a bedtime story for smug crybully liberals.

                  Are you trying to sell the above mentioned children's book? You're certainly promoting it by portraying its main character: you.

        • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Piss in pants.

          Seriously though, you are the one saying that we are not "sane" because we don't believe in your liberal delusions.

          That is some nazi shit. Fuck all the way off.

            1 year ago

            Seriously though, you are the one saying that we are not “sane” because we don’t believe in your liberal delusions.

            That is some nazi shit.

            See - this is a perfect illustration of the "delusional" aspect I mentioned. You are so far up your own backside that you believe everybody who doesn't believe the specific set of things you do are nazis, or reminiscent of same. It's why no sane, rational person should ever take you seriously.

            I applaud you, actually. You jumped to provide concrete examples backing up my thesis immediately. Super bro move of you.

            • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
              1 year ago

              "Anyone who disagrees with me must be insane"

              You know that people were put in death camps for this in nazi Germany, right?

              Fuck off.

                1 year ago

                That's a mighty big leap there, skipper. The nazis also occasionally paved roads. Does that mean that all DoT workers are secretly nazis, too?

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  The nazis also occasionally paved roads

                  You just voluntarily dropped the mask to pull a Boogie1488. congratulations

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      You went out of your way to try to make excuses for nazis when no one asked.

                        1 year ago

                        Ok, so I guess we can add "poor reading comprehension" to the list.

                        I did not make excuses for nazis. The person that I was responding to made an incredibly slippery slope argument, and I was using hyperbole to point that out. If you don't understand that, I suggest you take a remedial class in English at your local community college.

                        • UlyssesT [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          I did not make excuses for nazis.

                          You did, no matter how you want to dodge that. You even selectively ignored how many of those roads were made by slave labor that was worked to death by conjuring smol bean innocent not-nazi workers under the Reich when no one asked for that and you came up with it unprompted.

                          I suggest you take a remedial class in English at your local community college

                          Is it even possible for you to even start to communicate without sounding fart-huffingly pompous? smuglord

                • Nakoichi [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Oh yeah next you gonna tell me about how Mussolini made the trains run on time?

                  You are really digging the hole deeper here.

            • forcequit [she/her]
              1 year ago


              either you only interact with instances completely defederated from us, or you've only ever had comments removed from this post

                • Nakoichi [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  You literally cannot make a critique of anyone you disagree with without resorting to ableism.

                  Fuck off.

                    • Iraglassceiling [she/her]
                      1 year ago

                      ”They’re combative” Insults our beloved mods for no reason

                      Uh-huh. Such decorum. Much good faith.

                        1 year ago

                        No, I had very good reason to insult them. If you would like to know my reasons, I'm more than happy to discuss it.

                        • Iraglassceiling [she/her]
                          1 year ago

                          Nah, your weird attempts at persuasion via stilted language and false objectivity are real fuckin tiring already and I just joined this conversation.

                          Try your bullshit concern trolling on someone else ❤️

                            1 year ago

                            Nah, your weird attempts at persuasion via stilted language

                            I'm not sure you know what the word "stilted" means.

                            are real fuckin tiring already and I just joined this conversation.

                            Ok. Well, you're under no obligation to post. Thank you for your contribution, though.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  they had suffered brain damage as a child

                  Surely if they had suffered brain damage as a child, that means they are worthy of contempt, scorn, and ridicule by default according to your not-a-nazi nazi talking points. What would you have done with them? Put them in camps? hitler-detector

                  y'all are also generally crybabies to boot

                  You've been crying about combativeness since you came in here to accuse everyone on Hexbear of insanity and delusions. Which, again, totally not nazi talking points to imply that anyone with mental illness is a fundamentally bad and unworthy person, unlike you. scared-fash