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  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    it looks pretty decent for a PS4 game.

    You're sure about that? It goes to below 720p with the dynamic resolution and and to around 15fps in crowded areas or in big battles. Textures don't load in, character models materialise in front of you, etc At least that's what I've heard from people who bought the game on base consoles, and from online reviews.

    Xbox one frame rate analysis

    PS4 frame rate and performance

    • turbinicarpus [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      again, what were they expecting? maybe this is just the boomer in me coming out, but i played half life 2 on a geforce 3 ti 200. it ran like a slideshow with lots of enemies, but i knew that coming in. i was just happy to be able to play it. if you play a game from 2020 on hardware from 2012, expect it to look and play like it's from 2012. i.e. 30fps is the upper bound. it's not a multiplayer game, so lag is just annoying not game-breaking.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        The game was announced in 2012, before the ps4 and Xbox one were even announced or available. They even made special edition Xbox one consoles for this game, it was never meant to release on the next generation systems in the first place. That only happened because of the delays. There are so many games that look great and play just fine on base consoles, just look at red dead redemption 2. Open world, looks amazing and plays great on base consoles. It's just unacceptable to release a game in this state where doing anything more complicated than walking puts the frame rate below 20. This is CD projekt red, not some indie developer.

        • turbinicarpus [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          so your argument is they should have anchored the graphics to 2012 levels because the project started in 2012? i don't really get it. half life 2 started development in 1999, should they have tailored the game to run on a Geforce 256? i have not even seen one video of this game getting to DaS Blighttown levels of lag. Bloodborne can be laggy as fuck and that's at 720p, and it is very bad in that game as timing is everything. in this game you can pause time, it doesn't really matter. of course rdr2 looks better because the setting is mostly rural, so they have a lot of polgon count to spend on the few things that are on screen.

          edit: case in point, parent admits they haven't even played the damn game. g*mers are a blight.

          • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
            4 years ago

            i have not even seen one video of this game getting to DaS Blighttown levels of lag.

            Well prepare for that to be changed. Here's the game taking a full minute to render anything, freezing in the process, before resuming with the frame rate in the low teens on base Xbox one.


            edit: case in point, parent admits they haven’t even played the damn game.

            Of course I haven't played it because I'm not going to spend 1/6 of my monthly salary on a game that plays like a slideshow on the hardware I have. Why would I do that? I don't need to play the game to know the performance is bad on last gen machines, there have been plenty of videos online to tell me that.

            • turbinicarpus [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              lag in combat, what a surprise. again, not even as bad as PS3 DaS. that was 15 outside of combat. nobody's saying it isn't janky. instead of downvoting everyone who doesn't validate your decisions, go pirate it and at least post some justified whines. we all have youtube, we don't need the reader's digest version from you

              • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                You do realise that you can't pirate games on the current generation consoles, right? The only way to get the game is to buy it, and why would I? I've been talking about console performance this whole time, how would hypothetically pirating the game onto a PC that I do not own change anything?

                • turbinicarpus [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  you do realize you replied to a parent whose entire point was that 90% of the people who whine about this game have not even played it, only proving their point?