Between just trying to just absorb more theory, browsing the DSA vs. PSL vs. Local Org vs. Whatever struggle sessions, and listening to some recent KushVlogs from Christman (call me a lib, I know), I see a recurring theme of the lack of a cohesive, united leftist movement in America. To my (probably incorrect) mind, this seems like a non-insignificant hurdle to actually gaining real leftist power in the US and has made me curious to see what kind of path people see through this uncertainty. To me, it almost feels like a collapse/balkanization of America might be the strongest possibility but I'm just throwing ideas at a wall.

  • Homestar440 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    A very strong contender for the next big catalytic event, which could possibly end in a leftward turn, is the inevitable financial collapse followed by another bailout. 2008 was not long enough ago that it seems like the last generation, it will be the same people getting fucked the same way they did not too long ago, and that could lead to something.