Between this and Zelensky's "subtly" threatening to turn the refugees on their host countries, I'm becoming concerned about what's going to happen after the inevitable happens. Especially since they've spent the last year and half telling us that saying wrongthink makes you a Putin puppet or propagandist.

    1 year ago

    When we called these people White ISIS we meant it seriously. They have the exact same mentality and we can expect them to act in the same ways.

      1 year ago

      I'm looking forward to the sheer shell-shock of the media glossing over all these white people committing terror attacks

        1 year ago

        thats the thing, ukranians aren't white, they are referred as such while they are doing west's dirty job of killing russians, soon as the war ends they will be referred as "subhuman easterns" again

      1 year ago

      we can expect

      They already do. Human shield shit with firing positions in unevacuated residential buildings, for example, is straight out of every CIA-trained terrorist's cookbook.

    1 year ago

    There was an interesting article on that person. She's a failed poker player who eventually "infiltrated" the US right (like conservatives and Proud Boys) to expose them, even helping them get elected or carry out operations in the process, and then she published her "Turns out I was faking being a piece of shit to infiltrate them!" to absolutely 0 acclaim because no shit the Proud Boys are FBI informants lol, we didn't need a 1 year deep dive to know that.

    Now she's resurfaced in Ukraine, somehow becoming a legit spokesperson for the Territorial Defence Forces, as you can see from the background.

    Just always chasing the latest grift, once the war in Ukraine is over I guarantee she'll vanish in complete silence and resurface somewhere else for another cause.

      1 year ago

      she’ll vanish in complete silence and resurface somewhere else for another cause.

      Sadly you're probably right. Shame she will likely avoid any comeuppance

      1 year ago

      It's pretty spooky. Because how did this nobody become a fucking professional spokesperson/propagandist for Ukraine? There has to government involvement somewhere along the line.

        1 year ago

        In the article they also said she started hanging out with a hacker who has NSA ties or something? This was the original post:

      1 year ago

      "Now she’s resurfaced in Ukraine, somehow becoming a legit spokesperson for the Territorial Defence Forces"

      That's really interesting, the Territorial Defence Forces have significantly declined pre-war though no? To the point where its a token army compared to the AFU, especially since last year the Russians completely eliminated them, and last remaining survivors were centralized under the ukrainian army, wasn't there tons of articles last year detailing this? On how the AFU completely absorbed the TDF?

      Anyways it just proves your point further, but 1 thing here, she's just a spokesman for a now delipidated expunged group of military personal. And hold's no power, nor any actual information regarding the war. Just some civilian playing dress up as the boots in uniform.

    • The_Walkening [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      "Turns out I was faking being a piece of shit to infiltrate them!" to absolutely 0 acclaim because no shit the Proud Boys are FBI informants lol, we didn't need a 1 year deep dive to know that

      Seriously people do that but never acknowledge that the right wing will take anyone and doesn't really care if you believe so long as the water gets carried.

    1 year ago

    The new C&C really manages to bring back the good old camp feeling.

    Wait, they really published that? Holy shit.

    • Flyberius [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Sadly they tend to go for the, bomb you when you weren't expecting it approach.

    1 year ago

    Does that mean all of us are going to get arrested? I wouldn’t consider this place “Russian propaganda” but many people seem to think so, people like redditors.

    1 year ago

    Apparently she has been suspended now. Surprising nobody that as soon as a statement didn't go over well with the public, she would be the designated scapegoat.

    It just takes threatening to murder journalists to get to that point.

      1 year ago

      Not even journalists, those comments were directed as any citizen expressing doubts. The only reason Sarah was fired is because the Ukrainians were not expecting the level of pushback that they got.

        1 year ago

        Obviously those filthy putin propagandists have infilitrated even the Ukrainian government and they can't be trusted anymore! Wait...