Anybody here train? Always wondering how you all deal with the massive amount of right wing hogs that train in BJJ? What ranks do you people have myself I am a purple belt in BJJ and got my orange belt in judo right before covid hit.

  • GnastyGnuts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So I take that to mean just casual chuddy comments and vibes? Honestly, yeah, keeping stuff to myself and training would probably be my strategy.

    I'll confess, I have no personal experience with bjj gyms, I've only done a little boxing and the two places I went when I did that didn't have a strong chud vibe (that I could notice at least, if I where to go back and interrogate the people there many were probably right-leaning given the right wing attraction to violence and domination). *EDIT: thinking back, I'm pretty sure there were no outright cops there, so maybe that's the difference?