Part one: What is the best game to come out of the 80s?

Part two: What is the best game to come out of the 90s

This is the third part of the series. This is eventually all going to get compiled into one megathread for people who want gaming recommendations from Chapos specifically. Other decades (10s and 70s) and consoles will come in sporadic subsequent threads.

Expanding on your choice is definitely a plus. I don't think we're gonna get Doom the post this time around.

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    IDK that I could pick a game, but I want to nominate the 00's as possibly the golden age of modding, and the point where gamedev started to become almost democratized and available to the masses.

    WC3 has ludicrous amounts of content and spawned multiple whole-ass genres on its own, HL2 and UT2004/3 have plenty of descendants. Dev tools were regularly included with games, PCs and internet becoming ubiquitous made sharing this bounty incredibly easy, but the internet was young enough that we didn't have the always-online shit and DMCA yet that make it so easy for companies to step on us today. This was also about the time that accessible tools started to appear for hacking older console roms (think Lunar Magic), Game Maker and Unity came from this era and have had obvious impacts on the medium (profit model aside, I'm just listing these for the sheer ease they added to making games over the last 20 years)