Why would he do this? The republicans fucked him over, what's the motivation behind this? Simply to win Georgia?

Also how will the dems react?

  • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It won't be a protest movement, but a protest party splintered from the establishment GOP.

    I'm pretty sure at this point the venn diagram of Qanon voters and the Trump or die death cult is a single circle. It'll be them plus a vast populist coalition of weird antivaxxers, cosplaying libertarian tea party holdouts, and bicoastal banker bros and unemployed factory workers from Pennsylvania and Ohio, all united in their admiration of Andrew Jackson, supporting celebrity rapists in the name of anti-cancel culture, and the desire to do hate crimes against brown and Asian people in the name of protectionism while also marrying Chinese, Vietnamese and Cuban women from reactionary conservative families.

    What a time to be alive.