
  • Zoift [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Always played NV on console so i never got to play around with mods unfortunately. I dont doubt modding fixes a bunch of the ahhh... Bethesdaisms.

    Agree the writing in Dead Money and Honest Hearts was top notch. The biggest gripe I had with them was the survival elements don't really jive too well with an action/adventure RPG. Not even so much the item/equipment scarcity per-se, but more that the scarcity is the only limiter of gameplay. Makes the DLC grindy. Like, making stimpacks rare doesn't put me on edge or change my strategy overall, I just hoard harder.

    I hated the writing in OWB & Lonesome Road, fucking loathed it. Lonesome Road suffered badly from too many cooks on the broth, with Ulysses being rewritten multiple times over into an ideologically incoherent mess that's so disconnected from whatever they were trying to build to, its not even satisfing to kill him. Like who the fuck are you exactly, why do i give a shit, and why do you sound like a doomer Joe Rogan fan?

    OWB was several hours of big-bang-theory-esque gags and throwaway lines. How wacky, just zany! Bleghhhhh. The loot is good, gameplay is alright if fetch-questish, but damn, shut the fuck up. The sub-MST3k riffs are just badddddd.

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      4 years ago

      The biggest gripe I had with them was the survival elements don’t really jive too well with an action/adventure RPG. Not even so much the item/equipment scarcity per-se, but more that the scarcity is the only limiter of gameplay. Makes the DLC grindy. Like, making stimpacks rare doesn’t put me on edge or change my strategy overall, I just hoard harder.

      Yeah, that's a persistent issue in games like that for me, that you just end up hoarding resources so jealously in ways that force you into unfun gameplay loops to minimize waste, even when you don't need to do that.

      Ulysses being rewritten multiple times over into an ideologically incoherent mess that’s so disconnected from whatever they were trying to build to, its not even satisfing to kill him. Like who the fuck are you exactly, why do i give a shit, and why do you sound like a doomer Joe Rogan fan?

      I mean, Ulysses was absolutely the sort of incoherent, politically illiterate dipshit who'd wear an American flag centuries after American fascism destroyed the world with nuclear war, and set out to carry out a new nuclear war out of an incoherent grievance with you over shit neither of you understand.

      OWB was several hours of big-bang-theory-esque gags and throwaway lines.

      Ok but imagine if the cast of the BBT were senile nazi scientists and you got to beat them to death with a baseball bat.