• lorty@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    So long games don't force it to be on, then whatever. Although I expect it to become a requirement for a usable framerate for next gen games. Big developers don't want to optimize anymore and upscaling/framegen technologies are a great crutch.

    • emptyother@programming.dev
      9 months ago

      Of course nobody want to optimize. Its boring. It messes up the code. Often reqires one to cheat the player with illusions. And its difficult. Not something just any junior developer can be put to work on.

      • miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        You'd expect that when Raytracing/Pathtracing and the products that drive it have matured enough to be mainstream, devs will have more time for that.
        Just place your light source and the tech does the rest. It's crazy how much less work that is.

        But we all know the Publishers and shareholders will force them to use that time differently.