"I've never seen women play any games except all these games I've seen them play, but that doesn't count because reasons"

Bonus points for transphobia and ableism.

Fuck people who think like this. TIL that only men play lots of genres of games, which is news to me because the majority of my male friends only play shooters and one plays nothing but... wait for it... RPGs.

G*mers are a mistake.

  • Pezevenk [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It's not even true any more though. There's so many cis women playing games, they just don't join their dumb communities or don't say they are women (and of course they don't talk to any women irl) so they never figure it out.

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It also seems to me that voice chat on consoles has really declined in frequency, at least in my limited exposure recently. I played MW2 on Xbox, and I swear that took the cake for "most toxic voicechat". Now? I rarely hear a peep out of anyone on console.