
Nope, you were just way more annoying than you generally care to remember. Sorry you had to find out this way.


If you say, "but actually I wasn't annoying as a teenager." Sorry, you missed your chance! Not my problem!

  • FactuallyUnscrupulou [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Teens today are more annoying because they aren't getting in enough trouble. We've sterilized the idea of youth. When I was a kid our parents were freaked out by the Jacob Wetterling abduction and we were always under close supervision. Meanwhile, my dad and his buddies would tell crazy stories from their childhood. My dad was smoking cigarettes when he was 9 years old and started a fire in bunch of tall grass along the riverbank. Fire dept showed up and had to control the fire. Poor kids got it way worse than I did growing up I the 90's.