Here, as we approach the end of a year-long look at 1933, I'm jamming in some of the most outstanding images I've found. I've looked at this photo on and off for a long time, but only today noticed that the chair is constructed the way Van Gogh painted the ones in his room. One side of it is narrower than the other. skating away, here .

  • Oxbinder [any]
    4 years ago

    Well, it's probably just a coincidence, but as I was looking at the photos this morning, I suddenly remembered the Camel Jumper, a little boy I had dreamed about 17 years ago. There's a reason for writing this stuff down, folks!


    The Camel Jumper.

    There was a playroom, or just a room with a few toys and nothing else in it. Some children, very young children, were in it. A boy wanted to cross this room, but at times the location would change to that of a high desert encampment.

    The light in this desert location was thin and low, and it may have been cold. A large group of robed desert people were there, and the time was long ago. As the small boy crossed the playroom, he would appear in the midst of this circle of desert people.

    He was able to save his life by doing some trick, but it was as if he would not keep these somewhat hostile people confused long enough for him to cross the room. Fortunately, there was an even younger (or just smaller) boy in the room with him who was also traveling back to this desert. (The change from location to location was a long, grainy fade rather than an abrupt switch. The desert location was yellowish, and the fade would begin with this yellowish graininess appearing in the room)

    The smaller boy wasn't as far across the room, but he had a better trick. He had some sort of a wooden contraption- sort of crutch-shaped, but with a dog-leg bend in it. It was apparently part of the gear used to hold cargo on the backs of camels. The smaller boy would use this stick to vault, or turn a somersault in the air, in the midst of the circle of desert people.

    It amazed them, and the boy gained their favor by turning exactly 27 perfect somersaults altogether. He was known as the cameljumper.