I was chatting with an acquaintance earlier today. I said something to the effect of “I would consider it the worst parenting fail if my daughter became a cop”. This acquaintance then asked why that was, probably with about 50% indignation and 50% genuine curiousity.

Honestly, I kind of drew a blank. Like, I know how to explain it in a long post or like a missive, but I really couldn’t think of how to explain to someone who probably isn’t a leftist in just a quick comment. So I just went with:

“Well all they do is beat up on black kids”

Which… is of course correct. But tbh I fell that answer is just missing a lot. A beat later I almost said something about how cruel they are to homeless folks around here but by then moment had passed.

How would you all explain - in the span of a single one-liner - why cops are bad? I’m not looking to knock someone over with my impressive rhetoric or whatever. Not looking to convince them. Just so I can feel I articulated my position correctly. Just got my own sense of pride. Help me out here.

  • RNAi [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Talking to a non-leftist, your one liner is already great imo.

    You could maybe add "they are worthless psychopaths with a license to kill and total impunity with huge paychecks and retirements yet all they do is beat up black/poor people while claded in tacticool and tanks that costs millions of dollars. And that's their legal 'job description', they all inmersed in organized crime"

    But it's too long. Again your one liner is great