Just giving a shout out to my fellow old(er) Chapos out there. We survived the perils of a world with limited internet held hostage through AOL so you could all live in a better world.

Here's some interesting takes I have from now being slightly aged. Feel free to add yours!

  1. 4K movies only really make older movies look that much better. Jaws in 4k > Cape Shit in 4k

  2. Most anything labeled collectible won't be worth shit in 20-30 years.

  3. Most NES games aren't that good. Weren't that good then. Not that good now.

  4. Never admit anything to cops, even if its just a speeding ticket. Every answer should be "I don't know."

  5. Learn to cook for yourself - it's cheaper and healthier for you in the long run. I wish someone taught me how to cook when I was younger. Anyhow - you'd be amazed what you can get done for just a few dollars with dried lentils and a trip to the produce section.

  6. For every good band you've heard of, there's at least 3 good bands you haven't heard yet that are similar.

  7. Buy everything used.

  8. Working out and staying in decent shape doesn't have to be about looking good, getting laid, getting swollen, or any of that nonsense; it can have immediate benefits on your well being.

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm always hesitant to bring this stuff up here because there is a segment of Chapos who like to project their idealism into reality. Its up there with revolution porn on here. The truth is, we're stuck here for a while and there's nothing wrong with gaming this fucked system a touch in your favor while we wait for the masses to unite.

    Here's some other advice I have that is similar to what you're saying:

    1. If you're a vet, wait until the system bottoms out every 5 to 7 years and buy a cheap house with your guaranteed loan. If you do buy a house, take on a roommate if it's within your means (as in, not for profit). I took in my buddy, barely charged him rent. He was able to get a leg up. Meanwhile we would fix broken shit around the house and I had someone to watch my dog when I went on vaycay.

    2. Kiss ass at work. Lip service is the easiest way to make your life easier without actually doing any work. Most jobs are meaningless so why should you care if your boss thinks you like him when you secretly wish his death (by natural cause - like cancer). Don't expect a promotion or anything, but it can lighten your actual work load.

    3. While you're at it, be nice to everyone at work. Solidarity starts with realizing the IT guy with the bad attitude who has to upgrade your monitor is just as miserable as you are.

    4. Save money. Its easier to save up for an unforeseen expense than it is to scrounge credit or beg loved ones for a loan.