I also have legally transitioned and helped with a name change clinic so open to trying to help comrades with that too. Only know about U.S tho

  • LesbianCyclops [she/her]
    4 years ago

    What's the recovery from an orchi like? I'm (covid permitting) due for one sometime in the next couple of months, but didn't get much real info about the recovery from the consultation besides "just chill out for 5 days and don't do any heavy lifting for a few weeks lol".

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      4 years ago

      So forgive me for crude response but I'm not able to recall the proper terms.

      I did a scrotal incision one rather than the inguinal one. Inguinal has a longer recovery time cuz they are more inside you.

      It was like super achy down there with the feeling in the pit of stomach when the testes get bonked. I was prescribed oxy but my mom is addicted and I'm super addict prone so I never filled it. I was ok managing the pain with lots of ice packs and strong cannabis.

      I did get a bad hematoma but I did since arnica cream and lots of fresh pineapple for the bromide, that helped alot.

      The heavy lifting ban is super important dont ignore it, and I even asked for a couple weeks extra when I asked the doctor to write my note for work.