I had no idea how shitty fast food (McDonald's, KFC etc) was making me feel until I recently gave it up. I'm trying to eat healthier (and vegan-er) so the first thing I did was give up my fast food habit. A few things I found interesting about the process:

  1. Holy shit is this hard. I don't know if I'm just weak-willed or they put some seriously addictive stuff in there but the cravings are almost unbearable.

  2. Other than that I feel amazing after only a month. I have more energy, a better mood, my digestive system is better, I look healthier. All this makes the cravings worth it and those are slowly getting less terrible.

I highly recommend giving up fast food.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I more or less had to give up fast food because most of it completely disagrees with my digestive tract. If I keep it simple, in a pinch I can still eat fast food and be alright. Taco Bell bean burritos never gave me a problem, for instance. A Wendy's Baconator will leave me hugging my stomach and moaning while sitting on the toilet, praying for it to be over. The kind of shitting when you take your pants completely off instead of leaving them around your ankles.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      The kinda shit where you start sweating like a mf and fear you might actually faint sitting on the toilet

    • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
      4 years ago

      Ever had White Castle?

      Only fast food that's ever given me the "fast food bowels" that everyone talks about.