A huge problem with leftists is that we don't have an actual program for socialism beyond "ethical capitalism now" and "science fiction post scarcity in the vague future".

So I made this post to explain my clear idea of what socialism should look like in the immediate future. I also want to hear your own idea.

  1. Money is immediately abolished and replaced with labour-vouchers that are destroyed upon use. This eliminates profit, interest and rent, and removes the incentive for private ownership of capital and abolishes commodity production.

  2. "Wages" (in quotes as its no longer money-wage ) are set based on actual contribution to production. This means income inequality will still exist, e.g. oil-rig workers will make 10 times more than janitors, managers 5 times more than line wokers etc. This is non-negotiable, workers must get exactly what they actually contribute. This is for both moral reasons and also to ensure that the law of value is not violated.

  3. Incentive to innovate, improve efficiency and increase production comes from the fact that income is directly correlated with labor productivity. Better production machinery or improved managerial practices will directly result in increased income.

  1. The prices of goods and services are calculated based on direct and indirect labor inputs. The total prices of all goods and services in a given period is equal to the total labour-vouchers generated in that same period.
  1. A separate account is maintained for foreign trade with capitaist countries, using foreign currency, ideally crypto or digital renminbi. The goods traded in will be stripped of currency value and assigned a labor-value equal to the goods traded out.

  2. Economic planning is based on direct democracy. For consumer goods, planning is based on consumer choice(the producer has no choice here). New products and services are introduced at emporiums, and the decision to begin their production is based on consumer votes. Production of highly rated existing products and services is increased, while low-rated products are discontinued.

  3. For producer goods, guiding principles such as overall labor-use reduction, energy-use reduction, material input recycling etc. are used in the formation of plans.

  4. Flat rate income tax is the only tax that is implemented. Tax is used to fund those activities that do not produce value, e.g healthcare, education, unemployment insurance etc.

  5. Digital direct democracy(mob-rule) is implemented to the maximum extent possible. The role of legislatures is reduced to a technocratic role of forming laws, while the actual voting is done through mob-rule. Voting on laws, policies and plans is done on a weekly basis, rather than voting every 4 years for leaders. This may seem cumbersome, but with common ownership comes shared responsibility. The alternative is giving responsibility to leaders who may form a self-serving bureaucracy.

  6. Military power is equally distributed by creating armories housing guns, ammunition, armored vehicles, drones etc. Such armories are placed in every community, with open access. The entire population receives military training.

  7. A separate standing army that is hierarchically organized and answers directly to the state is also present. Their military power is consciously kept lower than the total military power of the general population. This solves the tankie vs anarkiddy debate. The state is now both effective in fighting domestic and foreign counterrevolution (satisfying tankies) while true power is held by the people(satisfying anarkiddies).

I'd like to hear your critique of my ideas and also want to know your own clear program.

EDIT: It's telling that no one has posted their own idea of socialism, very few leftists actually know what they want and yet think it's reasonable to ask why people don't want "socialism". You need a concrete idea of what socialism actually is.

  • weshallovercum [any]
    4 years ago

    You could call it money if you want, but its nature is more important than its name. Labor-vouchers do not circulate back to firms, they are immediately destroyed upon exchange with goods or services. This eliminates the very concept of profit and producing for selling(as opposed to producing for consumption).

    They can be used as money in some cases, for example a second hand good is sold for labour vouchers and the person who pockets it keeps it. But this does not result in profit, and is not a capitalist exchange. Ultimately, all vouchers are used to buy new products and services and are destroyed.

    The reason for using vouchers instead of money is to ensure that labor is compensated for exactly what it contributes thus eliminating exploitation. This cannot be done with a circulatory money, which reintroduces the concept of commodity production(selling for profit) and slowly but surely, the entire capitalist form of production.

    • mayor_pete_buttigieg [she/her]
      4 years ago

      they are immediately destroyed upon exchange with goods or service

      What about when they are taken by the government for income taxe instead?

      • weshallovercum [any]
        4 years ago

        The taxed income flows to all the people involved in government jobs such as healthcare, education, building public infrastructure etc. This income is then destroyed when these people eventually purchase goods and services.