like i saw something about the steam version yesterday and thought "hey yeah i am really down to play that whenever that launches" and it has now turned into "i could handle the ASCII graphics i am big boy, played rogue stuff i am ready let's go 2021" anyway this feels like some really dark omens for me this year

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    i am so close to actually doing it i just don't know where to start my base like should i do a mountain or do i really need wood for stuff?

    • ZestyDwarf [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Ok so.. you have shallow and deep metal(s), flux stone layer and.. yes.. you need wood... if you can get metals (plural) as you can only make weapons to defend your wee lads out of a few choice metals, and armor even less.. flux stone is combined with iron and charcoal to make steel, and only the dwarves know the riddle of steel.. charcal comes from trees, and you want some furniture from it too, so choose a spot with metals, trees and preferably a flux stone layer..

      Edit.. if you want to go for mountains, you can "edit" the square you start in, and plant it between a mountain region and a forest. When you've wound such a place, you get some info about the place, and one of the little titbits is four keys to move around, i think it's like ukhm.. those are the keys where you choose how big of a map you have too (keep it small though, anything larger than 4x4 is bound to be a real slowdown as it's not optimized for any mortal pc) but for posterity same keys but in caps for changing the size of your playable area

      • redthebaron [he/him]
        4 years ago

        ok i found a place and am trying to add the name the wee lads to the group name thank you very much for the place tips

        • ZestyDwarf [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          Marvelous! Enjoy the wims of Arnok! One hint to get you started, dwarfs only drink water if they're sick or injured, so make booze asap as they only have booze for a few days after embark. plump helmets (a plant) grows in underground soil and can be cooked, made into alcohol or eaten raw, and grows all year (the ideal starter crop). Dig out a small room from a soil, mud or clay hill (or dig down into the forest floor if need be, just need to end up with a none-stony floor without sunlight) and make a few plots (b(build) p(lots) then size them with the ukhm keys again (i do 2x3 but whatever you've got room for) To make that into alchohol, simply b(uild) w(orkshop) sti(l)l

          • redthebaron [he/him]
            4 years ago

            the wee lads did not have a great time is the update but i feel like i understand the game better which is nice

        • Amorphous [any]
          4 years ago

          this guide is all you'll ever need, if you're the kind of person who can learn by reading

        • disco [any]
          4 years ago

          Just jump in and experiment. And don’t be afraid to die.