Numerous military buses, trucks, armored vehicles, and tanks being burned by the “peaceful” protesters. Sometimes the soldiers were allowed to escape, and sometimes they were brutally killed by the protesters. Numerous protesters were armed with Molotov cocktails and even guns.
The official report of the Chinese government from 1989 (translated here) shows that more than 1000 military and police vehicles were burned by rioters. And 200+ soldiers and policemen were murdered. Just imagine how much restraint the military and the police had shown.
Wait, how could the protesters kill so many soldiers? Because, until the very end, Chinese soldiers were unarmed. Most of the times, they didn’t even have helmets or batons.
What exactly happened in Beijing in 1989 that lead to this bloody affair?
The answer lies with two key figures: General Secretary Hu Yaobang, and Ambassador James Lilley.
Hu Yaobang was a member of the communist party of China and was one of the three major rightist-reformers that set China on the path its on today, the other two being Zhao Ziyang, and Deng Xiaoping respectively. Hu Yaobang as a reformer was also a spokesman for the intelligentsia and by the end of his life was well-beloved by the youth of China (we're talking below 30 here, folks) therefore when he passed away the youth of China organized public grieving events with the largest occurring in Beijing. This is to say if Hu didn't die from old age that year, none of this would've happened that year. This is to also say this event had nothing to do with "freedom" or "democracy" or whatever pigshit your favorite rush limburger propagandist spoon feeds you, it was a funeral service that was hijacked to unseat the Chinese government - which so coincidentally is a speciality of the agency the second person we're talking about.
Ambassador James Lilley, the son of an american expat oil executive for Standard Oil, was a CIA agent operating in east Asia from 1951 to 1981 with little officially known about him (I know for a fact he's fucked around Korea and Laos, so it's not a stretch to say he's likely been involved with every conflict that occured during his official career). In his "post" CIA career he's acted as a diplomatic liason to the provice of Taiwan, a teacher to future state department ghouls, and "helped" South Korea end its military dicatorship by helping the military win the election "democratically", and abruptly five days after the death of General Secretary Hu Yaobang James Lilley was appointed as the US Ambassador to China by also former CIA ghoul and president of the United States George H. W. Bush. What an astounding coincidence.
And just a reminder. In communist China, you can be a pain in the ass by obstructing tanks trying to exist a parade, argue with the commander, then get rushed away by other normal people going "dude what the Hell's your problem"
Lmao was just about to say, one of these is not like the other.
Thank you, very frustrated that I had to scroll so far down to find this with regard to the so-called Tiananmen Square "massacre"
When the People's Liberation Army makes landfall on the western shores of North America, I will be here to greet them as heroes
idgi what are you trying to say here?
China hunts down useful idiots? All their firing squad members have penises? The Great Wall is used for executions?
imagine believing tiananmen square is in any way comparable to the rest of this list. OP showing their whole ass
Death to America
what do you mean 300 deaths isn't in any way comparable to thousands/millions of deaths during the Holocaust, Aremnian genocide, Bengal famine, Operation Condor or Japanese occupation?
Hundreds, thousands, millions. It's all the same because people died and the people that died weren't white.
Atrocity propaganda is a real phenomenon used by westerners to inflate problems of non-western societies and deflate the genocides done by the west. You've fallen for it
yeah, next the internet will be defending Iraqi incubator babies or Saddam's people-shredder.
also, very rude of you to assume im a mayo western cracker.
What is a western China? There's only one China.
If you try act like a redditor and go "its what i call taiwan" then you're literally bumbling around like a drunken dipshit who insists calling the United States "Northern Florida". Although if we're to make more accurate historical inference, it would be apt to say you're the equivalent of those "The South Shall Rise Again" cross-burning confederate dipshits that never shut up about the massive L you took
They mean Chinese apologists from the west.
I for one am not apologizing for much of anything really. Mistakes have been made but the party has grown from that and critiques those. None of these are what these anti-chinese people are saying though
No, it is true. US tried to stir up some trouble and it didn't work. That is import to remember the people that dies because of US greed
yeah buddy, ya got me. the cia's attempt to overthrow the communist party of China failed, but succeeded in getting a few hundred people killed. not exactly the Holocaust libs love to claim it was
Death to America
The 1989 Tian'anmen Square riots (天安门事件) were a CIA-backed attempt at a color revolution against the People's Republic of China in 1989. Reservations over Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up policies sparked peaceful protests, which the CPC negotiated with, but soon a foreign-funded faction of students joined the protests and, due to their promotion by Western media, took over the protests and took them in an entirely different direction than what was originally envisioned.
As the protests were winding down and many protestors went home, the Chinese government sent unarmed PLA troops the clear the square of remaining protestors as the Beijing police was overwhelmed due to their sheer numbers throughout the city. On June 2, rioters burned and lynched unarmed soldiers trying to enter the square. The troops were initially unarmed, but were given weapons on June 3 after the students took some soldiers hostage. They were blocked from entering the square by crowds armed with petrol bombs, iron clubs, and Molotov cocktails. The rioters destroyed over 400 vehicles and destroyed a convoy of over 100 vehicles in western Beijing.
The riots in Beijing resulted in approximately 300 total deaths, including 36 students, 10 PLA soldiers, and 13 police officers. All of the deaths occurred outside of the square itself.
The US about indigenous Americans.
Oh wait, they made hundreds of movies about killing them.
That really is one of the most absurd things about the American Empire. They'll come and destroy your people, taint and corrupt your land with bones and blood, bomb you back into the stone age, and then make a trillion dollar budget film about how it made them feel sad. The othering is so powerful that emotions only exist within the walls of capital
But I wouldn't blame this. The people making the movies hasn't been in common with the crime.
The Ukrainian Government, OUN.
The Lithuanian Government, what happened to the Jews.
Lmfao genocides and student protests that turned violent are the same thing
The Australian's about their treatment of
aboriginesfirst nation AustraliansThe Irish about mother and baby homes.
China about Uyghurs
Didn't a bunch of Muslim countries actually ask China about Uyghurs (and even visit Xinjiang) and they left unanimously content with the response?
Yes. The only country worried about it is the same one that's actually killed millions of Muslims over the last 20 years
Well yeah, of course I'd trust the experts in genocide over countries that have no experience.
australia has much more shit going.... like storing asylumseekers in some far away islands
Don't ask the French (Police) what happened in 17 October 1961
Was about to comment "the germans about ww2" but then remembered that we are quite open about that time. Wouldn't have made much sense either as there would be no use in evem trying to hide it
Genocide of the Ovaherero and Nama peoples in Namibia by Germans.
That's why it's so abhorrent that voices from the right but not only from the right get louder, that demand an end to the relatively good remembrance culture here in Germany. I hate the: "it was so long ago, it wasn't us" talking points. It's the first step towards forgetting, historic revisionism and possibly repeating the things that were done.
In Thailand:
- 6 October
- Bloody May
- The K--g Never Smiles
- The Devil's Discus
- "Unfortunately Some People Died"